
This is me

I have worn many hats in my life. Some I still wear. I love being a wife, and mother to my grown up daughters. Hats that no longer fit me include being a microbiologist, a receptionist, a graphic designer, and a bookkeeper! I have recently discovered that my artist hat fits WAAAY better than these other career hats ever did..

Why has it taken me this long? Well it hasn’t really. I’ve always known I love to create, from making teeny tiny dolls house food out of clay to taking evening classes in any art form going. Its just that now, in this season, I have the chance to pursue this passion, and be more intentional about sharing this adventure with you all.

I enjoy painting in watercolour, oils and acrylics. I find different subjects tend to lend themselves to a particular medium. Living on an island, I often find my inspiration comes from the sea, and the light reflecting off it.

If you would like to talk to me about commissioning your own special piece of artwork for your home, feel free to contact me to arrange an informal chat.